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Layout automation from structured filenames

Layout (as of version 6.3) has 2 preference items tailored for automated flows where manual interaction is required. Typically when Enfocus Switch, Esko Automation engine or another workflow is present.

In those cases the filenames are usually structured in a fixed way and contain job information in the name. Layout allows to pick-up details from the filename and use it for creating the nested-job name and the number of copies to add to the nest.

The original names are embedded in the nest information and can be picked up by the MIS system (for more information see the Automation section of this site).

The information is extracted from the filename using Regular Expressions. This allows to build custom name structures and get the information from it.

Regular Expressions

An example of the Regular Expression (or RegEx) is a format like: .*_([0-9])pcs
The example will scan the filename until it sees a number between “_” and “pcs”. This number is returned and can be used as the copy counter. So the name “128485_My Example job_5pcs” will return 5 and when being dropped on the Layout canvas will result in 5 copies.

Using the RegEx ([a-zA-Z0-9]*) will result in capturing “128485” as nest name from the filename “128485_My Example job_5pcs”.

To build your and test your own regular expression use https://regex101.com/ or similar site.

Updated on May 19, 2022

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